Saturday, May 20, 2023

My Mental Health Tips

I have struggled with my mental health since last several years. Realizing that I need help and being open to receiving that help have opened up many doors for me and allowed me to improve my mental health. Sharing tips/things I do to bounce back and feel better. They have all been so helpful to me personally so check them all out and see which one resonates with you/works for you. I don't do every single one of them everyday, but whatever I feel like and that has enabled me to listen to my mind and my body and get in touch with my intuition.


  • Get professional help (counselor/therapist, medication, etc.)
  • Daily Walks in nature, some days I just go sit in nature/backyard/in sun when I don’t have energy to walk.
  • Doing things that bring me joy.
  • Stretching/dancing.


Also sharing tips and list of foods that reduce cortisol/stress hormone:


1. Foods high in B vitamins - nutritional yeast, fortified cereals

2. Foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids - walnuts, avocado, chia, flax, olive oil

3. Magnesium rich foods - relaxing muscles, reduce inflammation, regular heartbeats - pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachio, broccoli, banana, avocado, artichoke, spinach, dark chocolate

4. Foods that help regulate blood sugars - eat regular meals, protein rich foods, beans, legumes

5. Foods that promote healthy gut microbiome - eat lots of high fiber foods, plants, fruits, vegetables, fiber is called prebiotic - 30 types of plants per week. pro-biotics - foods that have good probiotics - kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, kifer, sauerkraut


Stay well hydrated.

Avoid: alcohol, caffeine, saturated fats, simple sugars, soda, candy, white bread (increases cortisol)


Photo from my favorite park where I go for walks every week.

#GratefulKanan #SelfLove #SelfCare #SwarmingForSelfLove #SelfLoveSaturdays #MotherNature #OptOutside #natureishealing #healing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthweek2023 #depressionhelp #gratitude

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