Sunday, February 27, 2022

The calming NV Hold technique

For Self Love Saturday today, I want to share a technique that has helped me tremendously. It calms me down, reduces my anxiety and stress, and alleviates my grief and fears. It has helped me during crisis situation so that I can think clearly, especially when situation gets tense. It is called the Neurovascular Hold (NV hold).

For this exercise, all I do is place my entire palm on my forehead as in the photo. Sometimes I keep the other palm near the base of my head; however, it’s not required. I also think about my stressor while holding my neurovascular points (NV points). This technique allows the blood to flow back to the brain during the fight-flight-freeze response. Holding NV points is not only calming but it allows me to think clearly when I need to. I often close my eyes and breathe deeply while doing this. Given the current situation our world is in, this has been my goto exercise. I do this sitting, standing, lying down in bed or at anytime I feel like it and it instantly relaxes me. It’s like a warm, comforting hug for self. I recently recommended this to a couple of friends and realized how much we all need this right now.
Wishing everyone lots of calm moments in their day with this NV hold technique and breathing. ♥️
#GratefulKanan #SelfLove #SelfCare #SwarmingForSelfLove #SelfLoveSaturdays #nvhold #NeurovascularHold #EnergyMedicine #stressrelief #grief #eem

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Spending Time in Nature

This weekend’s Self Love Saturday is about spending time in nature. Every single day, spend just 5 minutes outside or as much as you can. Even one minute is significant. Getting away from computers, TVs, digital screens, just getting away from being indoors. Mother Nature is truly healing and the oxygen and fresh air comfort the soul.

For our physical and mental well being it’s very important to spend time in nature regularly. Just being outside relaxes us.
You don’t have to go to some tropical rainforest in faraway country or a National park to be in nature. Step outside and if you see a tree or a plant in the ground, that’s nature. Is there a lawn near where you live? That’s nature. Take time to just be out there with them and you will feel an instant shift in how you feel. If possible, take off your shoes and make physical contact with nature. It grounds us. When we spend time in nature, things calm down within us and we’re able to breathe and think clearly. Being in nature heals our bodies and minds.
Here’s to spending more time in nature daily. 🌳 🏝 ⛅️ ☀️
I hear my backyard calling me now so bye for now, my loves. 😘 👋🏻
Photos of me taken by my favorites: @ktimesk and @chitrajanak.
#GratefulKanan #SelfLove #SelfCare #SwarmingForSelfLove #SelfLoveSaturdays #MotherNature #OptOutside #natureishealing #healing #love#rockland #maine #rocklandbreakwater #samosetresort

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Start Small

Self Love Saturday is here, and today we talk about starting small. The small things we do in our lives have a tremendous amount of positive or negative effects depending upon what we do.

The motivational talk of @simisleighs that I attended last month was life-changing for me. It shed light on so many little things about my life that I never paid attention to, and one of those was to pay attention to little things that I do every day. She shared how her success and boldness didn't come overnight, but it was a series of small choices that were bold and powerful. This was instrumental in getting her to where she is today.

This made me realize that no matter how small an act or activity we do, it can make a huge difference in our lives if it's positive. It might be in the long run, but it will definitely make a positive impact. For example: brushing your teeth; getting up and walking around for 1 min every hour; taking a moment to pause and breathe; waking up with gratitude in our hearts; falling asleep thinking positive thoughts or with prayers; reading a good book; saying thank you to people who help us, etc.

Similarly, the not-so-helpful activities also have the same/negative effect in the long run. Getting angry or upset. Eating meat. Drinking alcohol. Not sleeping enough. Not moving enough. Worrying. Thinking negative thoughts. All of these don't help us at all. Neither in the short term nor long.

So today, if you're doing even one small thing in a day that is positive, value that and celebrate that. Give yourself three cheers and a pat on the back for doing that because that's pretty amazing, and it will do you a lot of good in the long run. Today, choose to start small for big awesome rewards in the future.

#GratefulKanan #SelfLove #SelfCare #SwarmingForSelfLove #SelfLoveSaturdays #bebold #startsmall