Saturday, January 27, 2024

Love Your Body

Love Your Body - that is the topic for today’s Self Love Saturday. This is to be the kindest and most loving and respectful to our bodies. The entities that have been part of us and have been with us from before the time we are born and remain with us till the end. Our body is one that is with us through thick and thin and everything in between.

Loving the body isn’t just about doing good things, but also about treating it with utmost respect in every single aspect. Starting with the silent talks you have with it to what you allow others to say to you about yourself. Creating that boundary within which only love prevails. With love comes everything else that allows us to flourish in our lives.

The first thing to do is to cease any and all negative self-talk. Stop yourself dead in the tracks when a negative thought arises. Negative self-talk comes naturally to us. It’s what our society knows and gifts to us when we are born. It’s not anyone’s fault but a norm that we have just accepted. Most of us don’t know any better. We need to separate ourselves out from that and create that shield around us that no negativity can penetrate. All of this comes with a lot of positive self talk, affirmations that make us realize our own magnificence, and a lot of mindfulness throughout our day. Louise Hay affirmations are a great place to start and amazing resource. Her work and her books are tools for learning and strengthening our self-love. Do check it out if you’re interested.

Oh another thing, even if you don’t feel the love for your whole body, you chanting the affirmations daily will eventually and definitely have a positive effect on your body because the subconscious mind does not know the difference between the two. Intention is our seed that allows the tree of self-love grow and flourish.

Once I read this amazing thing where the author talks about loving ourselves as if we are a 3-yrs old child. Imagine all the things you don’t like about yourself. Now imagine your 3-yr old child having that. Would you love your child any less for having those traits? No way! We’d love our child regardless. It is time to show that same love to ourselves. We are worth it. ðŸ’—💗💗

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